Tours and detours of Greater Paris: La ronde, a literary commission between immersion and distancing


  • Mathilde Roussigné Brown University / University Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3



Olivia Rosenthal, artistic commission, immersive art, contemporary literature, territorial development, citizen consultation


La ronde (« The Round »), an immersive audio-walk commissioned by the Société du Grand Paris in 2016, allows us to analyse the contradiction between adherence and distancing, in relation to the ambiguity of the writer’s position facing citizen consultation and territorial development. The immersive modality of the audio-walk is constantly undermined by ironic and critical distancing effects. Paradoxically, it is also a privileged way of subtly contesting urban planning projects. This paper examines the ambiguities of this work, that plays and does not play the consultation game.

Author Biography

  • Mathilde Roussigné, Brown University / University Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3

    Mathilde Roussigné is visiting assistant professor at Brown University and postdoc at the University of Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle (THALIM). In 2020, she defended her doctoral thesis À l'épreuve du terrain. Pratiques et imaginaires littéraires contemporains. She works on the notions of fieldwork, inquiry, and intervention in contemporary literature, on the relationship between politics and literature, and on the institutionalization of writing residencies and workshops. She co-organizes the seminar on materialist approaches to literature (SLAC, Campus Condorcet, ENS Ulm).




How to Cite

“Tours and detours of Greater Paris: La ronde, a literary commission between immersion and distancing” (2022) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 16(2), pp. 126–137. doi:10.51777/relief13502.