PSYCHOANALYSTS FINDING FORM : (auto)fictional experiments in contemporary psychoanalysis
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psychoanalysis, Anzieu, Bollas, autofiction, creative writing, theoryRésumé
In this paper, we will look at two important voices in contemporary psychoanalysis, Didier Anzieu and Christopher Bollas, who from a theoretical perspective have tried to devise new genres to express their thinking. The result of this is hybrid texts that com-bine autobiography, essay, case study, fiction, comedy and poetry. In their theoretical work, Anzieu and Bollas have examined creativity and processes of thinking, predomi-nantly from the perspective of object-relations psychoanalysis, although both are known as eclectic thinkers, who do not belong to just one school of psychoanalysis.Téléchargements
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Comment citer
Masschelein, A. (2010) « PSYCHOANALYSTS FINDING FORM : (auto)fictional experiments in contemporary psychoanalysis », RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 4(1), p. 123–144. doi:10.18352/relief.490.