PSYCHOANALYSTS FINDING FORM : (auto)fictional experiments in contemporary psychoanalysis
psychoanalysis, Anzieu, Bollas, autofiction, creative writing, theoryAbstract
In this paper, we will look at two important voices in contemporary psychoanalysis, Didier Anzieu and Christopher Bollas, who from a theoretical perspective have tried to devise new genres to express their thinking. The result of this is hybrid texts that com-bine autobiography, essay, case study, fiction, comedy and poetry. In their theoretical work, Anzieu and Bollas have examined creativity and processes of thinking, predomi-nantly from the perspective of object-relations psychoanalysis, although both are known as eclectic thinkers, who do not belong to just one school of psychoanalysis.Downloads
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How to Cite
Masschelein, A. (2010) “PSYCHOANALYSTS FINDING FORM : (auto)fictional experiments in contemporary psychoanalysis”, RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 4(1), pp. 123–144. doi:10.18352/relief.490.