Between voice and path: Annie Ernaux as a reader


  • Pierre-Louis Fort Cergy Paris Université



memory, identity, intertextuality, female reader, Annie Ernaux, Simone de Beauvoir, essay


Mémoire de fille (2016) is a narrative entirely traversed and even structurally underpinned by the presence of books, key elements in Annie Ernaux's investigation as she metaphorically becomes a reader of herself. The entire narrative can thus be (re)read through the prism of readings, past and future, that play with identity construction and question the (im)permanence of the self. This article examines this dimension by analyzing the way reading is implemented in Mémoire de fille, to show that it is simultaneously a way and a voice. By this we mean reading as a way of writing (scriptural dimension: bringing the investigation to fruition) and as a voice of the self (identity dimension: hearing and (re)finding oneself).

Author Biography

  • Pierre-Louis Fort, Cergy Paris Université

    Pierre-Louis Fort is a university professor at CY Cergy Paris University. His research focuses on 20th and 21st-century French literature. He recently published a book on Simone de Beauvoir at Presses Universitaires de Vincennes (2016) and edited the Cahier de l’Herne dedicated to Annie Ernaux (2022). His essay Les Deuils sans noms. Écritures contemporaines de la perte has just been published by Classiques Garnier in the series 'Théorie de la littérature' (2023)




How to Cite

“Between voice and path: Annie Ernaux as a reader” (2023) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 17(2), pp. 13–22. doi:10.51777/relief18418.