Et si le loup entrait dans la bergerie


  • Olivia Rosenthal



Olivia Rosenthal, unpublished text, wolf, Espace Malraux, Andiamo


This text was written during a residency in Bonneval-sur-Arc in July 2020 at the initiative of the Espace Malraux scène nationale Chambéry Savoie and its director, Marie-Pia Bureau. For two weeks, Olivia Rosenthal followed the work of the breeders and shepherds who graze their animals on the mountain pastures. The text, for which no publication was planned as part of the commission, was the subject of a reading in Bonneval-sur-Arc, on the 29th of August 2020, during the “Andiamo!” festival.

Author Biography

  • Olivia Rosenthal

    Olivia Rosenthal has published twelve books of fiction at Éditions Verticales, among which Mes petites communautés (1999), Les fantaisies spéculatives de J.H. le sémite (2005), On n’est pas là pour disparaître (2007, Prix Wepler) [We’re not here to disappear, Otis Books, Los Angeles, 2015], Que font les rennes après Noël ? (2010, Prix du Livre Inter 2011) [To leave with the reindeer, And Other Stories, 2019], Mécanismes de survie en milieu hostile (2014), et Éloge des bâtards (2019), as well as a parodic Bildungsroman : Les sept voies de la désobéissance (2004). Two of her books question the ways in which cinema impacts our lives: Ils ne sont pour rien dans mes larmes [two chapters from this book have been translated in English: « The Tears », Toad Press, 2014 and « Vertigo » (The Graduate Writing Program, Otis College of Art and Design, Spring 2013) et Toutes les femmes sont des aliens (2012, 2016). Besides her fictional work, she is also the author of two non-fiction books: Viande froide (éd. Lignes/104) et « Maison d’arrêt Paris-La Santé » (éd. Paris Musées/Carnavalet), and several texts written for the theater. She also initiated many collaborations in the shape of performances, with moviemakers, artists or composers, including the recent MacadamaAnimal with composer Erychk Abecassis. In 2013 she founded the Master’s programme in creative writing alongside fellow academic Lionel Ruffel, at Université Paris 8 Saint-Denis. Un singe à ma fenêtre is her thirteenth novel.




How to Cite

“Et si le loup entrait dans la bergerie” (2022) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 16(2), pp. 138–147. doi:10.51777/relief13506.