"A forest of signs"? Cinema and images in Olivia Rosenthal’s work


  • Fabien Gris UMR CELLF, Sorbonne University




Olivia Rosenthal, cinema, pictures, antirealism, symbolism, sign


Cinema has had a considerable impact on Olivia Rosenthal's texts in the 2010s. In this article, it is less a question of returning to the themes in themselves, which are carried by these filmic references, than of reflecting on their reflexive dimension within the poetics of the writer. In particular, they bear witness to her refusal of the realistic illusion. But, beyond filmic images alone, we will ask ourselves whether the use of images in general does not make Rosenthal's work a "forest of signs". The suggestive part that they convey disturbs the meanings and nuances the documentary and literalist aspect that tends to be emphasized in the writer's texts.

Author Biography

  • Fabien Gris, UMR CELLF, Sorbonne University

    Fabien Gris is associate professor at Sorbonne University and a member of the UMR CELLF. His work focuses on contemporary French literature and, in particular, on its relationship with cinema. He has co-edited two collective works: Olivia Rosenthal, le dispositif, le monde et l'intime, with Laurent Demanze (2015) and, with Jean-Christophe Igalens, Casanova à l'écran (2021). He is currently working on the literary representations of issues related to rurality in contemporary French texts.




How to Cite

“‘A forest of signs’? Cinema and images in Olivia Rosenthal’s work” (2022) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 16(2), pp. 50–59. doi:10.51777/relief13496.