The bestiary of Poèmes barbares: politics, ecology and poetology


  • Yohann Ringuedé Gustave Eiffel University / University of Lorraine



Leconte de Lisle, Poèmes barbares, ecopoetics, animal pattern, eschatology


The study of the animal motif in the poetic work of Leconte de Lisle knows two major currents. On the one hand, the animal is considered in its analog value as a mirror of man, his psychological intimacy or his social organization. On the other hand, its description is a Parnassian attempt to create a poetry of objectivity: the animal is depicted as closely as possible to his bestial nature (in a biological or ethological sense). Faced with this double tradition, a careful reading of the collection Poèmes barbares, with particular attention paid to the entirety of the poems, and not only the animal poems, makes it possible to highlight an original poetic enterprise, on the part of Leconte de Lisle, which seeks to lay the foundations for a reunification of man and beast: separated by history and religion, both will meet again in a phenomenon of common extinction which will reduce both to silence. The poet of Bourbon Island, who reflects on the ways in which man should live with the animal and, more broadly, with nature, is thus engaged in an ecological reflection.

Author Biography

  • Yohann Ringuedé, Gustave Eiffel University / University of Lorraine

    Yohann Ringuedé holds a PhD in Modern Literature and is an associate researcher at LISAA (Gustave Eiffel University). His thesis, which focuses on the dialogue between science and poetry during the second half of the 19th century, was published in 2021 by Hermann editions under the title Une crise du moderne. A specialist in poetic forms, he has devoted his studies to poetry and its relationship with the sciences, but also to the formal specificities of popularization. Recently, he has opened his field of investigation to corpuses drawn from the first half of the 19th century (« "Et dans l’âme sans fond laisse filer la sonde" : science et poésie dans l’œuvre de Théophile Gautier » Bulletin de la Société Théophile Gautier, no 43, 2021). He currently focuses on the political implications of the uses of versification during the long 19th century (« "Et dans l’âme sans fond laisse filer la sonde" : science et poésie dans l’œuvre de Théophile Gautier » Bulletin de la Société Théophile Gautier, no 43, 2021).




How to Cite

“The bestiary of Poèmes barbares: politics, ecology and poetology” (2022) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 16(1), pp. 34–46. doi:10.51777/relief12340.