André Schwarz-Bart at the Moulin d’Andé : on some decisive encounters


  • Kathleen Gyssels University of Antwerp



André Schwarz-Bart, Moulin d’Andé, intertextuality, Georges Perec, Arnoldo Palacios, Richard Wright


In the second half of the 20th century, the Moulin d'Andé, in the Eure region, was an emblematic place where writers, film-makers, artists and intellectuals from all walks of life and from all countries met. A place of creation and an artistic and ideological sounding board, the Moulin was also an extraordinary cultural network. André Schwarz-Bart found it a place of inspiration and creation. The many encounters he made there were decisive for his work. This essay freely explores the network of "speculative intertextualities" that was woven around his work, by outlining three of these literary encounters: those with Georges Perec, Arnoldo Palacios and Richard Wright.

Author Biography

  • Kathleen Gyssels, University of Antwerp

    Kathleen Gyssels is Professor of Francophone Postcolonial Literature and Culture at Antwerp University, where she teaches classes on authors from the African and Jewish diasporas. Her publications are principally concerned with African American, Caribbean and Francophone authors and subjects from a broad, comparative perspective. Her current research has extended her reach to include conflictual issues, such as the Memory Laws and the Memory Wars in the French Republic and postcolonial countries. She is Coordinator of the Research Group for Postcolonial Literature at the University of Antwerp and an Associate Member of the Institute for Jewish Studies.




How to Cite

“André Schwarz-Bart at the Moulin d’Andé : on some decisive encounters ” (2021) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 15(2), pp. 142–153. doi:10.51777/relief11463.