A free space where one can speak. 'La fille qu’on appelle' by Tanguy Viel


  • Sylvie Cadinot-Romerio Sorbonne Université




Tanguy Viel, narrator, imagination, ethics of response, sexual abuse, social vulnerability


In his eighth novel, La Fille qu’on appelle, Tanguy Viel breaks with the narrative dispositive he adopted in his earlier novels: the personal narrative. We study the form of this work from the angle of the new narrative freedom that it offers to the author and that he exploits in a paradoxical and original way: he invents an instance of narration that is not omniscient but omni-imagining, this which allows him to give his dispositive the ethical form of a response to a word that has not been heard and the thymic form of a lamentation of the tragic condition of the vulnerable to the grip of the powerful, such as the is Laura, the main character, sexually abused by the mayor of the city.

Author Biography

  • Sylvie Cadinot-Romerio, Sorbonne Université

    Sylvie Cadinot-Romerio teaches modern literature; she carries out research work at the Faculty of Letters of Sorbonne University under the direction of Didier Alexandre; they relate to the work of Nathalie Sarraute and consist of a hermeneutics of the impediment of being which is configured there. This work led her to study other forms of impediment in the literature of the extreme contemporary, and in particular in the work of Tanguy Viel.




How to Cite

“A free space where one can speak. ’La fille qu’on appelle’ by Tanguy Viel” (2021) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 15(2), pp. 169–186. doi:10.51777/relief11446.