'The Mask and the Quill': Intertextualities in the Works of André and Simone Schwarz-Bart


  • Odile Hamot Université des Antilles
  • Kathleen Gyssels University of Antwerp




André Schwarz-Bart, Simone Schwarz-Bart, intertextuality, Jewish literature, Caribbean literature


The common or individual work of André and Simone Schwarz-Bart constitutes a particularly rich field of experimentation and reflection on the question of intertextuality. This notion, freed from any overly restrictive theoretical assignment, is considered in this thematic dossier from the angle of the relational dynamism that it engages. It invites a collective reflection on the links that the Schwarz-Bartian work maintains with an exterior that its specificity within the literary space requires to be constantly rethought.

Author Biographies

  • Odile Hamot, Université des Antilles

    Odile Hamot is a lecturer in modern and contemporary French literature at the University of the West Indies. She devotes her research to the relationship between poetry, philosophy and theology and is also interested in the links between literature and the history of ideas and in the literature of intimacy. She has published Obscur symbole de Lumière. Le Mystère dans la poésie de Saint-Pol-Roux, (Honoré Champion, 2013); edited the collective work Terre(s) promise(s): représentations et imaginaires (Garnier, 2021); and has written articles devoted to Rimbaud, Claudel, Mallarmé, Ernest Hello or André Schwarz-Bart.

  • Kathleen Gyssels, University of Antwerp

    Kathleen Gyssels is Professor of Francophone Postcolonial Literature and Culture at Antwerp University, where she teaches classes on authors from the African and Jewish diasporas. Her publications are principally concerned with African American, Caribbean and Francophone authors and subjects from a broad, comparative perspective. Her current research has extended her reach to include conflictual issues, such as the Memory Laws and the Memory Wars in the French Republic and postcolonial countries. She is Coordinator of the Research Group for Postcolonial Literature at the University of Antwerp and an Associate Member of the Institute for Jewish Studies.




How to Cite

“’The Mask and the Quill’: Intertextualities in the Works of André and Simone Schwarz-Bart” (2021) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 15(2), pp. 1–7. doi:10.51777/relief11435.