Fairy Tale Illustrations and Real World Gender: Function, Conceptualization, and Publication


  • Ruth B. Bottigheimer



Mots-clés :

publisher's role, gender analysis, Grimms' "Goosegirl", cultural constraints, children's drawings


Fairy tales that have been illustrated with a single image apiece are themselves generally a commercial enterprise, whose content and design must be conceived in a broadly acceptable mode in order to sell. Second, the selling process assumes a profit motive. Third, it can be shown that the single illustration mode results in projecting an individual illustratorʹs vision of a tale. Fourth, when large numbers of illustrations in single‐illustration mode exist in commercially produced books, the aggregate range of their content comprises the range of culturally‐acceptable images for a given story. (A methodology for analyzing fairy tales with multiple images will be introduced separately at the end of this article.)


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

  • Ruth B. Bottigheimer
    Ruth B. Bottigheimer, Research Professor at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, studies children's literatures and their illustrations as responses to and social expressions of the cultures from which they have emerged. Her books include Grimm’s Bad Girls and Bold Boys (1987), The Bible for Children (1996), Fairy Godfather (2002), and Fairy Tales. A New History (2009).






II. Nouvelles fonctions de l’illustration pendant le long XIXe siècle

Comment citer

Bottigheimer, R.B. (2010) « Fairy Tale Illustrations and Real World Gender: Function, Conceptualization, and Publication », RELIEF - Revue électronique de littérature française, 4(2), p. 142–157. doi:10.18352/relief.542.