“In the far distance” : Memories of the Medieval and Ghosts in Modern Poetry (Jack Spicer, Cole Swensen)


  • Nathalie Koble



Mots-clés :

modern poetry, ghosts, medieval literature


This essay proposes a comparative reading of medieval texts and the modern poetry of Jack Spicer and Cole Swensen. It explores the places of destabilization in these literary works, to grasp the stakes of the medieval resurgence that is taking place there. To summarize, we can say that the Middle Ages are used here to fight three tyrannies that are usually seen as constitutive of the subject in classic views inherited by modernity: that of time; that of the subject; and finally the primeval importance of meaning.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

  • Nathalie Koble

    Nathalie Koble teaches medieval French language and literature at the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris. She is the author or editor of Les Prophéties de Merlin en prose: le roman arthurien en éclats (2009), Genèse et jeunesse du royaume arthurien (2008), Les dessous de la Table ronde (2005), Lais bretons: Marie de France et ses contemporains (2011, with Mireille Séguy), and Passé présent, mémoire du Moyen Age dans les fictions contemporaines (2009, with Mireille Séguy), and Mémoire du Moyen Age dans la poésie contemporaine, Paris, Hermann, 2013.




Comment citer

Koble, N. (2014) « “In the far distance” : Memories of the Medieval and Ghosts in Modern Poetry (Jack Spicer, Cole Swensen) », RELIEF - Revue électronique de littérature française, 8(1), p. 152–170. doi:10.18352/relief.892.