Reading Pluie et vent sur Télumée Miracle as a ‘Legend of the Just’


  • Elise Finielz Cornell University


Mots-clés :

André Schwarz-Bart, Simone Schwarz-Bart, Caribbean literature, Jewish literature, decolonial critique, Hasidism, Creole spirituality


This article offers a reading of Simone Schwarz-Bart’s novel Pluie et vent sur Télumée Miracle (1972) in the light of André Schwarz-Bart’s novel Le Dernier des Justes (1959). Through the exalted poetic language of Simone Schwarz-Bart, Télumée is elevated to the rank of a Just woman of the Caribbean, as is Ernie in the Jewish European community, for their stories are exemplary of the greatness of a whole generation of people, who are oftentimes seen as victims of antisemitic persecution or transatlantic slavery. Narrating the living memory of these characters in both a realist and mythic language and honoring the nobility of their hearts without explicit political discourse, both novels provide a subversive perspective, as it questions the borders between the ancient generations and the younger ones, the living and the dead. It calls for a positive representation of ancestral, religious, and traditional values, and purports a common ethical vision transcending the social, gender and racial categories imposed by a colonial history. It is in this ethical vision that resides the political significance of the two novels, as they can speak to us universally today.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

  • Elise Finielz, Cornell University

    Elise Finielz studied sociology with a concentration on health, social welfare and ageing at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, and French and Francophone Studies at Syracuse University. She recently completed her PhD in French and Francophone literature in the Department of Romance Studies at Cornell University. At the intersection of sociology, post-colonial studies, literary history and poetics, her research focuses on women writers from the Francophone Caribbean, their access to the literary field, and their contribution to aesthetic innovation. Poetic female creation is considered in its social and material context of production, as a site of a subjective experience intersecting with a collective history, and for its ethical power of transgression, precursor of a decolonial shift of perspective.




Comment citer

Finielz, E. (2021) « Reading Pluie et vent sur Télumée Miracle as a ‘Legend of the Just’ », RELIEF - Revue électronique de littérature française, 15(2), p. 51–67. doi:10.51777/relief11441.