Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019): Implied literatures

					View Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019): Implied literatures

Edited by Olivier Sécardin

This issue of Relief proposes to address the question of new literary realisms by studying the political and social devices of contemporary French narratives, or how narratives and texts elaborate the "common" and "democracy" for anonymous existences not a priori dedicated to literature. This line of research is an extension of the work of Bruno Blanckeman, Dominique Viart, Jacques Rancière and Sandra Laugier, and takes note of the critical advances that for some years now have been interested less in "engaged writing" than in "involved writing". It is also to consider a new metamorphosis of the "literary" and of the status or profession of writer. 
Published: 2019-07-12