À LA RECHERCHE DE L'ORIGINE : l'Écriture du souvenir dans Le salon du Wurtemberg de Pascal Quignard et le projet proustien
Psychanalyse et littérature, Souvenir -- Dans la littérature, Intertextualité, Proust, Marcel, Quignard, PascalAbstract
Even if Proust’s Recherche is evoked through the use of implicit quotations and of pastiche in Pascal Quignard's novel entitled Le Salon du Wurtemberg, it is not, however, in line with Proust's style and even goes against it : the narrator's search appears to be an impossible quest for the origin and not the revelation of the past; vocational writing is hence opposed to writing as a “symptom” (Quignard). This paradoxal intertextuality, which we can interpret as being a particular possibility to refer to Proust in contemporaneity, allows us, in turn, to shed light upon Quignard's poetics.

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