Trois lettres et une notice de Madame de Genlis conservées dans les bibliothèques Russes
We present here a transcription of four unpublished manuscripts by Madame de Genlis – two letters, a personal note and a notice – that are preserved in the National Library of Russia, Saint Petersburg, and at the State Library, Moscow. Dated between 1784 and 1830 and addressed partly to Russian correspondents, these letters touch on Madame de Genlis’ pedagogical theory and practice in different contexts, as well as on her various publication projects during the eighteen-twenties.Downloads
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How to Cite
Polosina, A. and Montoya, A.C. (2013) “Trois lettres et une notice de Madame de Genlis conservées dans les bibliothèques Russes”, RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 7(1), pp. 141–147. doi:10.18352/relief.855.