Madame de Genlis dans la littérature Russe du XIXe Siècle : Pouchkine, Léon Tolstoï et autres


  • Alla Polosina
  • Alicia C. Montoya



Reception, moralism, nicknames, popularity, bibliophile culture


In this article we examine the reception of Madame de Genlis by several nineteenth-century Russian authors. Pushkin called her “a scribbler without talent”, despite the fact that her Mémoires interested him greatly. Leo Tolstoy used Madame de Genlis’ name in War and Peace to underscore the character of his protagonists, Kutuzov and Vera Rostova. Leskov wrote a little masterpiece, “The Spirit of Madame de Genlis”, on her deification in high society. Madame de Genlis’ Russian reception appears to be closely related to the aristocratic status of her oeuvre, that for a century served as a cultural model for Francophile Russian elites.


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Author Biographies

  • Alla Polosina
    Alla Polosina, PhD, is an associate researcher at the National Tolstoy museum Iasnaïa Poliana. Her research focuses primarily on Leo Tolstoy and the Enlightenment and on comparative literature. She has published over a hundred articles in Russian, French, English and Greek. In addition, she has obtained fellowships from the Universities of Paris IV-Sorbonne and the Foundation for Fundamental Research of Russia. Her latest publication is “Tolstoï et les philosophes français du XVIIIe siècle sur le pouvoir” (Cahiers Léon Tolstoï 23, 2013).
  • Alicia C. Montoya
    Alicia C. Montoya is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Literary and Cultural Studies at the Radboud University Nijmegen. She is the author of Marie-Anne Barbier et la tragédie post-classique (Champion, 2007), Medievalist Enlightenment: From Charles Perrault to Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Boydell & Brewer, 2013) and has co-edited volumes on Enlightenment and History (Champion, 2010), Women Writing Back / Writing Women Back (Brill, 2010) and Early Modern Medievalisms (Brill, 2010).




How to Cite

Polosina, A. and Montoya, A.C. (2013) “Madame de Genlis dans la littérature Russe du XIXe Siècle : Pouchkine, Léon Tolstoï et autres”, RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 7(1), pp. 123–140. doi:10.18352/relief.854.