La fiction de Madame de Genlis, espace d’interrogation
Genlis, novel, heroines, virtue, autonomyAbstract
The novel constitutes an ideal genre in which to discuss a central question in the eighteenth century: virtue. As opposed to her contemporaries, Mme de Genlis depicts virtue as a state of mind attained through independence and self-confidence rather than through the atonement of one’s faults. How do her heroines realize their potential? Are they able to find a middle ground between their perception of their roles and identity and the expectations that weigh on them? What paths are available to them?Downloads
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How to Cite
Tremblay, I. (2013) “La fiction de Madame de Genlis, espace d’interrogation”, RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 7(1), pp. 19–32. doi:10.18352/relief.847.