La fiction de Madame de Genlis, espace d’interrogation


  • Isabelle Tremblay



Genlis, novel, heroines, virtue, autonomy


The novel constitutes an ideal genre in which to discuss a central question in the eighteenth century: virtue. As opposed to her contemporaries, Mme de Genlis depicts virtue as a state of mind attained through independence and self-confidence rather than through the atonement of one’s faults. How do her heroines realize their potential? Are they able to find a middle ground between their perception of their roles and identity and the expectations that weigh on them? What paths are available to them?

Author Biography

  • Isabelle Tremblay
    Isabelle Tremblay is associate professor at the Department of French studies at the Royal Military College of Canada. She is the author of Le bonheur au féminin. Stratégies narratives des romancières des Lumières (2012) and has published in the journals Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Women in French Studies, Orbis litterarum, Symposium and @nalyses. She is currently working on a book about the absent interlocutor in monophonic eighteenth-century epistolary novels.




How to Cite

“La fiction de Madame de Genlis, espace d’interrogation” (2013) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 7(1), pp. 19–32. doi:10.18352/relief.847.