Indicative bibliography


  • Mathilde Labbé Nantes Université (LAMO) / UMR Héritages
  • Marcela Scibiorska FNRS - Université Libre de Bruxelles & Vrije Universiteit Brussel



bibliography, heritage, literature, heritagisation


Without any ambition of exhaustiveness, this indicative bibliography gathers references mobilized by the various contributions in this thematic file around the literarisation of heritage, so as to give an account of the common perspectives which emerge from it.


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Author Biographies

  • Mathilde Labbé, Nantes Université (LAMO) / UMR Héritages

    Mathilde Labbé is a lecturer in French Literature (19th-20th centuries) at the University of Nantes and a member of the LAMO laboratory. Her research focuses on the phenomena of reception, intermedia circulation and heritagization of literature, and in particular on their interactions with the redefinition of the canon in the second 20th century. Following a thesis on the reception of Baudelaire's work, she has worked on monumental representations of writers and literature, and on literary heritage in publishing strategies (see publications). She is currently pursuing her research within the “PatrimoniaLitté” research network and as a delegate to the UMR Héritages : Culture(s), Patrimoine(s), Création(s) (2024-2025).

  • Marcela Scibiorska, FNRS - Université Libre de Bruxelles & Vrije Universiteit Brussel

    Marcela Scibiorska is an FNRS post-doctoral fellow at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. After completing her thesis on the Albums de la Pléiade (KU Leuven and Sorbonne University), she worked on phototextual country portraits at the Guilde du livre (University of Lausanne) and on the handling of images by avant-garde writers (UCLouvain -ERC HANDING). More broadly, she is interested in the interactions between texts and images in the construction of the authorial image, the processes of heritagization of literature and the relationship between literature and advertising.




How to Cite

Labbé, M. and Scibiorska, M. (2024) “Indicative bibliography”, RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 18(2), pp. 183–191. doi:10.51777/relief21264.