"Putting contemporary darkness at a distance is what science fiction is about." Interview with Anne Besson


  • Frédéric Guignard Université de Lausanne




Anne Besson, science fiction, didactics of French, fantasy, literary education


Following his review of Les pouvoirs de l'enchantement, published elsewhere in this issue of Relief, Frédéric Guignard talks to Anne Besson about fantasy and science fiction. A leading specialist on these genres, she discusses didactics, whether in her research career and critical works or in the relationship between works of fiction and the scholarly discourse that underpins them (“hard” sciences in the case of SF, history for fantasy). Emphasising the “pragmatic” nature of her approach, she makes clear her reticence with the naivety of “le laboratoire de l’imaginaire” (ie : believing that speculative fiction somehow introduces new ideas in the mainstream) and other strong opinions on the power and autonomy of literature, especially when dealing with pop culture.


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Author Biography

  • Frédéric Guignard, Université de Lausanne

    Frédéric Guignard is a PhD student in French literature at the University of Lausanne, where he is conducting a doctoral thesis on francophone science fiction. He seeks to describe gender poetics in feminist utopias, starting with Le Guin, Wittig and D'Eaubonne, and circumscribe the resumption of this conjecture genrée. He is also interested in the paradoxical status of masculinity in contemporary novels, trying to pinpoint how ideologies shape the narrative.




How to Cite

Guignard, F. (2023) “‘Putting contemporary darkness at a distance is what science fiction is about.’ Interview with Anne Besson”, RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 17(1), pp. 151–156. doi:10.51777/relief17713.