“The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas”. Literature and science-fiction in a mechanical and production engineering programme


  • Cléo Collomb Université Paris-Saclay




technology, science fiction, literary education, Ursula K. Le Guin, Jacques Rancière


This article is about a teaching experience that takes place in a technological university programme (Mechanical and Production Engineering). It is organized around the text "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” by Ursula K. Le Guin, an author best known for her works in speculative fiction, including science-fiction. I argue that SF, in this context of teaching geared towards a functional approach of language, has a political dimension. It is a particularly effective way to redistribute the sensible. Because of its minority nature and because of its openness to technical culture, SF avoids certain effects of symbolic domination and is relevant to Mechanical and Production Engineering students. Moreover, in her text, Ursula Le Guin can be understood, after Rancière's ignorant schoolmaster, as an ignorant author, who postulates a form of equality between herself and her readers. The result is that the students have learned, not to develop communicative skills, but to enjoy language, that is to say , to step out of the place they have been assigned to.


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Author Biography

  • Cléo Collomb, Université Paris-Saclay

    Cléo Collomb is currently a lecturer at the University of Paris-Saclay, attached to the Idest laboratory (Institut Droit, Espaces, Technologies). She is a specialist of digital traces. Her research is at the crossroads of epistemology, philosophy of technology and information and communication sciences. She is coordinating a project funded by the ANR and AID to develop a cyber-defence anticpatory research, involving the design of speculative fictions. The aim of the project is to explore the hypothesis of the corruption of scientific knowledge (inspired by Lu Cixin’s trilogy The Three-Body Problem), in a context of cognitive warfare. The foundations of cognition could be sabotaged, especially when researchers use computer assistance and automated data processing methods. Alongside her research, she is in charge of teaching modules in humanities and social sciences that take place in technological environments such as University Institutes of Technology and engineering schools.




How to Cite

Collomb, C. (2023) “‘The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas’. Literature and science-fiction in a mechanical and production engineering programme”, RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 17(1), pp. 66–81. doi:10.51777/relief17560.