Ec(h)o-texts: Mangroves and the rhizomatic city


  • Jean-Louis Cornille University of Cape Town



Patrick Chamoiseau, René Girard, cities, mangroves, volcanic stones


The city is at the heart of Patrick Chamoiseau’s third novel Texaco (1992) in a very specific way: the wasteland bordering Fort-de-France, called Texaco, which was built after the volcanic eruption that destroyed Saint-Pierre, is being described as an “urban mangrove” rather than as a “slum”. Destined for destruction, the area is being salvaged thanks to the “divine” intervention of the urban planner, first welcomed by stone-throws before turning into a Christ figure – one of the many biblical references woven into Texaco’s structure, undoubtedly in reminiscence of René Girard’s ideas on violence and the sacred. More recently, in 2012, Chamoiseau initiated a project of urban renovation aiming at reconstructing the old capital of Saint-Pierre on a poetic base. In between these two urban enterprises, one fictional, the other anchored in the “reel” world, Chamoiseau has produced a literary opus in which the city seems to have disappeared and nature has regained the upperhand. However, in Chamoiseau’s latest fiction, Matière de l’absence (2016) a new imaginary construction comes to the fore, made of volcanic stones and pre-Columbian ruins, a mineral world which echoes Édouard Glissant’s notion of “Tout-monde”: one in which Girard’s theory does no longer appear, as a more pacified vision of the world is being presented.

Author Biography

  • Jean-Louis Cornille, University of Cape Town

    Jean-Louis Cornille is Emeritus professor at the University of Cape Town. Author of numerous books on 19th century French poetry and on the 20th century French novel, he turned more recently his attention to Caribbean and Indian Ocean literature. He currently teaches at the universities of Antsiranana and Toamasina in Madagascar.




How to Cite

“Ec(h)o-texts: Mangroves and the rhizomatic city” (2022) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 16(1), pp. 166–176. doi:10.51777/relief12376.