Simone et André Schwarz-Bart, Hommage à la femme noire (réédition, 2 tomes), Le Lamentin (Martinique), Caraïbéditions, 2020-2021

Book review.


  • Fanny Margras Université des Antilles – Université Lumière Lyon 2



André Schwarz-Bart, Simone Schwarz-Bart, Hommage à la femme noire


Often described as an encyclopedia, l’Hommage à la femme noire has come to a turning point when it was republished in March 2020 and May 2021 by the Caribbean publisher CaraïbEditions. Thirty years after it was first published, this work by Simone and André Schwarz-Bart is no longer an expensive and unfathomable book, but is now intended to open up to as many readers as possible. Through this article, the author engages in a critical thinking about the questions that this new publication has raised, from the absence of illustrations to the subtle change in the signature, “Simone et André Schwarz-Bart” instead of “Simone Schwarz-Bart”.

Author Biography

  • Fanny Margras, Université des Antilles – Université Lumière Lyon 2

    Fanny Margras is preparing a PhD thesis on the literary collaboration between André and Simone Schwarz-Bart under the supervision of of D. Carlat (Université Lumière Lyon 2), R. Toumson (Université des Antilles) and L. Carvigan-Cassin (Université des Antilles). 




How to Cite

“Simone et André Schwarz-Bart, Hommage à la femme noire (réédition, 2 tomes), Le Lamentin (Martinique), Caraïbéditions, 2020-2021: Book review”. (2021) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 15(2), pp. 199–203. doi:10.51777/relief11448.