Simone et André Schwarz-Bart, or the Gift of Love


  • Odile Hamot University of the Antilles



André Schwarz-Bart, Simone Schwarz-Bart, paratext, conjugal relationship, novel, gift


This article intends to highlight the existence of an intertextual speech, in the broad sense, emerging from the forewords of Simone and André Schwarz-Bart's novels. These "thresholds" of the work, according to Gérard Genette's term, will be considered from the point of view of the intersubjectivity that emerges between the two instances of the auctorial relation. The aim is to show how these various types of paratexts - epigraphs, prefaces, dedications - weave a threaded meaning that sheds light on the Schwarz-Barts' common and individual work through a poetics of the conjugal relationship that defines and deepens the meaning they intend to give to their co-authorship. Four works will be examined in particular: L'Ancêtre en Solitude, La Mulâtresse Solitude, L'Étoile du matin and Adieu Bogota.

Author Biography

  • Odile Hamot, University of the Antilles

    Odile Hamot is a lecturer in modern and contemporary French literature at the University of the West Indies. She devotes her research to the relationship between poetry, philosophy and theology and is also interested in the links between literature and the history of ideas and in the literature of intimacy. She has published Obscur symbole de Lumière. Le Mystère dans la poésie de Saint-Pol-Roux, (Honoré Champion, 2013); edited the collective work Terre(s) promise(s): représentations et imaginaires (Garnier, 2021); and has written articles devoted to Rimbaud, Claudel, Mallarmé, Ernest Hello or André Schwarz-Bart.




How to Cite

“Simone et André Schwarz-Bart, or the Gift of Love” (2021) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 15(2), pp. 68–79. doi:10.51777/relief11440.