Translating and retranslating Sans famille, or how to make the Dutch love Hector Malot


  • Jade Bogaart Utrecht University
  • David Bremmers Utrecht University
  • Rozanne Versendaal Utrecht University
  • Haidee Kotze Utrecht University



translation history, translation, reception, Hector Malot, Dutch literature


This article focuses on the (re)translations of Hector Malot’s novel Sans famille and their reception in the Netherlands. Adopting a sociological point of view, we will show that some classics of children’s literature have a double status in the literary field, either as literary or as educational works. The high amount of retranslations of these classics, published successively or simultaneously, can be explained by the hypothesis that some works, including Sans famille, gradually settle in various specialized niches of the literary field.


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Author Biographies

  • Jade Bogaart, Utrecht University

    Jade Bogaart obtained a Bachelor's degree in French language and culture at Utrecht University in 2020. She is currently preparing a Master’s degree in translation studies.

  • David Bremmers, Utrecht University

    David Bremmers obtained a Bachelor’s degree in French language and culture, and in English language and culture at Utrecht University in 2019. In 2020, he completed a Master’s degree in linguistics. He currently prepares a Master’s degree in Translation Studies.

  • Rozanne Versendaal, Utrecht University

    Rozanne Versendaal is a PhD student in French literature at Utrecht University. She teaches French language and culture and Translation Studies.

  • Haidee Kotze, Utrecht University

    Haidee Kotze is a professor in Translation Studies at Utrecht University. In 2012, she published Postcolonial polysystems : The production and reception of translated children’s literature in South Africa.






Articles - thematic dossier

How to Cite

Bogaart, J. (2021) “Translating and retranslating Sans famille, or how to make the Dutch love Hector Malot ”, RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 15(1), pp. 27–44. doi:10.51777/relief10903.