Editorial Team


Maaike Koffeman, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, Radboud University Nijmegen

Olivier Sécardin, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Sociales, Hiroshima University

Editorial Team

Clément Girardi, Centre d'étude de la langue et des littératures françaises, CNRS - Sorbonne University

Aude Jeannerod, Faculty of Arts and Civilisations, Catholic University of Lyon

Judith Jansma, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen

Mathilde Labbé, Research centre "Littératures antiques et modernes", Nantes University

Magali Nachtergael, "Unité de recherche Plurielles - Centre Modernités", Bordeaux Montaigne University

Annelies Schulte Nordholt, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society, Leiden University

Gaspard Turin, Departement of Modern French, University of Lausanne

Editorial assistant

Robin Chardon

Advisory board

Emily Apter, Arts & Science, New York University

Barbara Cassin, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, member of the Académie Française 

Jean-Louis Cornille, School of Languages & Literature, University of Cape Town

Paul Dirkx, Département de Lettres modernes, Université de Lille 

Luc Fraisse, Faculty of Arts, University of Strasbourg

Thomas Hunkeler, Department of French, University of Fribourg

William Marx, Chair of Comparative Literatures, Collège de France

Bernadette Mimoso-Ruiz, Faculté Libre de Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Institut Catholique de Toulouse

Alicia C. Montoya, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, Radboud University Nijmegen

Denis Saint-Amand, FNRS - University of Namur

Pierre Schoentjes, Department of Literary Studies, Ghent University

Franc Schuerewegen, Department of Literature, University of Antwerp

Françoise Simonet-Tenant, Department of Modern Languages, University of Rouen Normandie

Éric Trudel, French Studies, Centre for Faculty and Curricular Development, Bard College

Dominique Viart, Centre des Sciences des Littératures en langue Française, University Paris Nanterre

Honorary committee

Maarten van Buuren, Departement of Languages, Literature and Communication, Utrecht University

Sjef Houppermans, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society, Leiden University

Els Jongeneel, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen

Ieme van der Poel, Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam

Paul J. Smith, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society, Leiden University