About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Relief - Revue électronique de littérature française is an international peer reviewed journal dedicated francophone literature and culture from the Middle Ages to the present day. Relief is published twice a year. The issues are generally thematic in scope, but issues may also include a 'Varia' section as well as book reviews. Relief aims to critically address contemporary issues in literature, both in the realm of creative work and theoretical reflection, as well as the riches of the past and their later reception. We are particularly open to transcultural perspectives and pay special attention to supposedly marginal authors and genres, as well as works in need of rediscovery.

Peer Review Process

Relief follows a thorough double-blind peer review procedure, carried out by renowned experts in francophone literature. The anonymity of authors and peer reviewers is monitored with the utmost care. 

1. The editor-in-chief is responsible for the scientific quality of the journal and its objectives. The editorial board consists of at least three members including the editor-in-chief. 

2. When an article is submitted to Relief, the editorial assistant will acknowledge receipt and send it to the members of the editorial board.

3. The editorial board decides whether the contents and the quality of the article fall within the general scope of Relief. If not, the article will be rejected unless the editors consider it likely to be improved.

4. If the article meets the general conditions of the journal's editorial policy, it enters the double-blind peer review procedure. 

5. The editorial board appoints two external reviewers who are not affiliated with the same institution as the author of otherwise might have a conflict of interest. The editorial assistant sends out the article, always anonymously, and a review form.

6. Reviewers are asked to evaluate the article according to the agreed criteria and send their report to the editor-in-chief within four to six weeks.

7. The review reports will be considered by the editorial board in order to decide whether the article is publishable, or needs improvements.

8. The editor-in-chief notifies the author of the editorial decision and, in case of refusal or revision, transmits the reviewers’ comments. If necessary, the editor-in-chief can consult with the author to make the required revisions.

9. In the case of major revisions, the new version of the article may be submitted to the reviewers for approval.

10. For this second revision cycle, editors, or reviewers will pass judgment within two weeks after receipt of the article.

11. The editorial board ultimately decides if the article will be accepted or rejected. This second cycle must be completed within a month after receiving the revised article.

12. In total, the first and the second revision should not take more than ten weeks.

13. If the author does not agree with the review procedure, he or she may at any time withdraw his or her article and submit it to another journal.

14. After the review and revision process, the article enters the editorial phase. The editorial board retains the right to make minor corrections to the text once the article is accepted.

Publication Frequency

Relief is published twice a year.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.




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Relief - Revue électronique de littérature française fully supports and encourages author self-archiving of all content after publication in the journal. This journal is registered as a blue journal with SHERPA/RoMEO.