
Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. This journal does not charge Article Processing Charges (APC's).

Peer Review Process

Relief follows a thorough, double-blind, peer review procedure, by external reviewers for all its research articles. Publications of a commentary or opinion nature, as well as articles on invitation, may not be sent for external peer review but will include extensive editorial review and revisions.

Each contribution is first reviewed and broadly discussed by the editors. If it meets the general conditions of the journal, the article is then sent to two specialists for peer review. On the basis of the reviewers' responses, the editorial board then decides whether the contribution will be accepted, should be revised or will be rejected. The anonymity of authors and reviewers will be monitored with the utmost care. 

1. The editor-in-chief is responsible for the scientific quality of the journal and its objectives. The editorial board exists of at least three members including the editor-in-chief. Reviewers will be appointed by the editorial board and will be experts in the research areas of Relief.

2. Articles submitted to Relief will be received by the editorial assistant. He will send the author a return receipt. Afterwards, he will send the article to the other members of the editorial board.

3. The editors decide whether the contents and the quality of the article fall within the general scope of Relief. If not, the article will be rejected if the editors consider it not likely to be improved.

4. If the article is deemed admissible, it will enter the peer review process.

5. The editors choose two independent reviewers who are not affiliated with the same institution as the author of otherwise might have a conflict of interest. Then the editorial assistant sends out the article, always anonymously, and a review form.

6. Reviewers will write a report according to the agreed criteria and send their report to the editor-in-chief within four weeks.

7. The review reports will be considered by the editorial board; it is the editorial board that ultimately decides whether the article is publishable or non-publishable, or needs improvements.

8. The editor-in-chief notifies the author of the editorial decision and, in case of refusal or revision, transmits the reviewers’ comments. If necessary, the editor-in-chief can consult with the author to make the required corrections.

9. In case of revisions the author has the opportunity to submit the revised article again to Relief. The editor-in-chief sends the revised article to the editors (for minor corrections) or to the reviewers (in case of major corrections).

10. For this second revision cycle, editors, or reviewers will pass judgment within two weeks after receipt of the article.

11. The editorial board ultimately decides if the article will be accepted or rejected. This second cycle must be completed within a month after receiving the revised article.

12. In total, the first and the second revision should not take more than ten weeks.

13. If the author does not agree with the review procedure, he or she may at any time withdraw his or her article and submit it to another journal.

14. After the review process, the article enters the revision phase and finally enters the editorial phase. The editorial board retains the right to make minor corrections to the text once the article is accepted.

Research Integrity

Relief - Revue électronique de littérature française is committed to upholding the highest standards of quality and integrity in the publication of its articles. The editors will take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication, among others. In no case shall this journal or its editors encourage such misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place. Authors are required to ensure that the submission has not been previously published, that permission has been obtained for the use of copyrighted material and that they do not infringe on the rights of third parties.

Relief  adheres to the best practices in the ethics of scholarly publishing stated in the COPE’s (Committee on Publication Ethics) Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for all parties involved: Authors, Reviewers, and the Publisher. The Editorial Board of Relief  undertakes to publish all corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies as soon as possible if and when they are required.

Conflict of Interest

To ensure a reliable and open publication process, all authors, reviewers and editors are required to declare any interests that could appear to compromise, conflict or influence the validity of the publication.

Archiving and Repository Policy

To ensure permanency of all publications, this journal utilises Portico to create permanent archives for the purposes of preservation and restoration.

Relief fully supports and encourages author self-archiving of all content. This journal is registered with SHERPA/RoMEO to ensure that the license terms and self-archiving policy of the journal is clear.

Relief does not display advertisements. 


Authors are encouraged to use their ORCID iD when submitting their manuscript.

Website Images

This website contains several free of use images and materials. Every effort has been made to trace rights holders, but if any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers would be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.