Touched by surrealism : Reflections on a New Sensory Approach to Literature
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Benjamin Péret, haptics, surrealism, sensory perception, poésieRésumé
In this paper, I discuss a new sensory approach to literature. Literature might be studied in order to trace the perceptual effects of cultural, political and technological transformations. First, I develop a historicizing method, which maps the sensory practices and discourses of a certain period and analyzes their appropriation in contemporary literature. Next, I demonstrate the fruitfulness of this approach by taking Surrealism as a case study, focusing on the role of touch or "haptics" in the works of Benjamin Péret. The concluding remarks will serve to hint at the new routes of research which this sensory approach discloses.Téléchargements
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Comment citer
Devos, P. (2014) « Touched by surrealism : Reflections on a New Sensory Approach to Literature », RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 8(2), p. 62–77. doi:10.18352/relief.897.