Between Attraction and Narration: Early Film Adaptations of Fairy Tales
DOI :és :
early cinema, theatrical staging, story-telling, excess of the marvelousRésumé
Adaptations of fairy tales were particularly popular in the years of early cinema. In the period preceding the year 1903 films consisted of a series of animated tableaux since filmmakers had difficulties in telling a coherent story. Allusions to a well‐known tale could then function as a guide for the spectator. At the same time, filmmakers were fond of experimenting with cinematic tricks, such as stop‐motion techniques and superimpositions. The fairy tale offers a legitimate backdrop for these tricks and these film adaptations even display an excess of the marvelous at the cost of the actual story itself.Téléchargements
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II. Nouvelles fonctions de l’illustration pendant le long XIXe siècle
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Comment citer
Verstraten, P. (2010) « Between Attraction and Narration: Early Film Adaptations of Fairy Tales », RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 4(2), p. 237–251. doi:10.18352/relief.547.