Fecundities of the trace : Medieval Scholars and Medievalists before the Medieval Text


  • Michèle Gally



Mots-clés :

medievalism, Paul Zumthor


Taking up Paul Zumthor’s reflections on medievalism and medieval studies in Parler du Moyen Age, this essay discusses the necessity to keep alive the distinction between medieval scholars and medievalists, because this distinction allows us to reflect on the two complementary sides of a necessary relation to the past.


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Biographie de l'auteur

  • Michèle Gally

    Michèle Gally  is Professor of medieval literature at the Université d’Aix-Marseille. She is the author of L’intelligence de l’amour. D’Ovide à Dante (2005). In addition to organizing several conferences (including, in  2012, “Le médiéval sur la scène contemporaine”), she has published widely on medievalism and also edited the volume La trace médiévale et les écrivains d’aujourd’hui (2000). 




Comment citer

Gally, M. (2014) « Fecundities of the trace : Medieval Scholars and Medievalists before the Medieval Text », RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 8(1), p. 101–114. doi:10.18352/relief.889.