Medievalism in a minority language : Frédéric Mistral’s Wish-Fulfillment Provençal Past
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Frédéric Mistral, Occitan, medievalismRésumé
Frédéric Mistral is the only figure in the Felibrige to have devoted a significant portion of his oeuvre to the Middle Ages. This essay offers a new reading of his two works situated in the Middle Ages – the romance Nerto (1884), and the drama La Rèino Jano (Queen Joanna) (1890). It argues that as a belated Romantic, Mistral repudiates the evils of modernity. His medievalism reflects and gives voice to his own political vision whereby the contemporary situation is displaced into a wish-fulfillment fourteenth century, in which France is conspicuous by its absence.Téléchargements
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Comment citer
Calin, W. (2014) « Medievalism in a minority language : Frédéric Mistral’s Wish-Fulfillment Provençal Past », RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 8(1), p. 48–60. doi:10.18352/relief.884.