A polyvalent mediterranean, or the trope of nomadism in the literary oeuvre of Igiaba Scego and Abdourahman A. Waberi


  • Alessandra Benedicty-Kokken City College of New York (CUNY)



Mots-clés :

nomadism, greater Somaliland, postcolonial studies, Igiaba Scego, Abdourahman A. Waberi


I argue that novelists Igiaba Scego and Abdourahman A. Waberi, building on the work among others of Nuruddin Farah, engage the trope of nomadism so as to propose a pre-colonial imaginary of a Somali polyvalent cosmopolitanism as a possible tool for thinking through our contemporary geographies of Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.


Cet article propose que les romanciers Igiaba Scego et Abdourahman A. Waberi re-travaillent la thématique du nomadisme afin de créer un imaginaire somalien pré-colonial à la fois cosmopolite et polyvalent dans son cosmopolitisme. En dialogue notamment avec le romancier Nuruddin Farah, Scego et Waberi nous offrent ainsi des outils pour penser une géographie plus fluide entre l’Afrique, l’Europe et le Moyen-Orient.

Biographie de l'auteur

Alessandra Benedicty-Kokken, City College of New York (CUNY)

Alessandra Benedicty-Kokken is Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at the City College of New York (CUNY). More recently, her research deals with the relationship between Jewish and Africana intellectualisms, as well as Arabic and Critical Islamic Studies. She is author of Spirit Possession in French, Haitian, and Vodou Thought: An Intellectual History (Lexington Books, 2015); and co-editor of Revisiting Marie Vieux Chauvet: Paradoxes of the Postcolonial Feminine (2016), a special issue of Yale French Studies and The Haiti Exception: Anthropology and the Predicament of Narrative, with Liverpool University Press (2016).


Alessandra Benedicty-Kokken est Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Studies au City College of New York (CUNY). Sa nouvelle recherche examine la relation entre les intellectualismes de tradition/s africaine/s et juive/s en tenant compte aussi du rôle de la/des pensée/s arabe et / ou islamique/s en formant nos sensibilités, voire même nos identités. Elle est aussi auteur de Spirit Possession in French, Haitian, and Vodou Thought: An Intellectual History (Lexington Books, 2015) et coéditrice de Revisiting Marie Vieux Chauvet: Paradoxes of the Postcolonial Feminine (Yale French Studies, 2016) et The Haiti Exception: Anthropology and the Predicament of Narrative (Liverpool University Press, 2016).




Comment citer

Benedicty-Kokken, A. (2017) « A polyvalent mediterranean, or the trope of nomadism in the literary oeuvre of Igiaba Scego and Abdourahman A. Waberi », RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 11(2), p. 103–122. doi: 10.18352/relief.970.