Maurice Blanchot: Avant-garde icon or obscure authoritarian? How thirty years of controversy have stifled debate


  • Adrian May


Mots-clés :

Maurice Blanchot, controversy, intellectual history, Lignes, la pensée 68


Controversy has surrounded Maurice Blanchot from the 1980s to today. Whilst claims of excessive formalism, obscurity and radicalism were often levelled at his generation, the Blanchot controversy has been sustained by the failure of critics to dispassionately appraise his 1930s political commitments. However, recent interventions by Jean-Luc Nancy, Michel Surya and Lignes could end thirty years of stifled debate. 

Biographie de l'auteur

  • Adrian May

    Adrian May completed his doctoral thesis at the University of Cambridge on the intellectual review Lignes in 2015. He is currently working on a new project using the magazine Art Press to undertake a cultural historical examination of the reaction of contemporary French artworks to the policies of fiscal austerity.






Articles – dossier thématique

Comment citer

May, A. (2015) « Maurice Blanchot: Avant-garde icon or obscure authoritarian? How thirty years of controversy have stifled debate », RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 9(2), p. 51–65. doi:10.18352/relief.916.