Medievalism and theory : Toward a Rhizomatic Medievalism


  • Vincent Ferré
  • Alicia Montoya


Mots-clés :

medievalism studies, theory, cultural studies


This essay provides an overview of recent French-language scholarly work in the field of medievalism studies, with a particular emphasis on possible and real theoretical pitfalls and shortcomings. In doing so, it argues for a greater dialogue between Anglo-American and continental European approaches to the field, and shows how the articles in the present collection might illustrate a new, more rhizomatic medievalism.


Biographies de l'auteur

  • Vincent Ferré

    Professor in Comparative Literature and Theory, University Paris Est-Créteil (UPEC, LIS), vice-president of “Modernites medievales”. Author and editor of Sur les Rivages de la Terre du Milieu (2001); Tolkien, Trente ans après (2004); Médiévalisme. Modernité du Moyen Âge (2010); Dictionnaire Tolkien (2012). Coeditor of Proust, l’étranger (2010), Cycle et collection (2008), Littérature, politique et Histoire au XXe siècle (2010). Forthcoming: L’essai fictionnel. Roman et essai chez Proust, Broch et Dos Passos (Champion, 2013), Médiévalisme: Moyen Âge et modernité (XXe-XXIe siècles). Histoire, théorie, critique, 2 vols.

  • Alicia Montoya

    Alicia C. Montoya is Professor of French Literature at the Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands), and is the author of Marie-Anne Barbier et la tragédie post-classique (2007) a critical edition of Barbier’s play Cornélie, mère des Gracques (with V. Schröder, 2005), and has co-edited volumes on Enlightenment and History (2010), Women Writing Back / Writing Women Back (2010) and Early Modern Medievalisms (2010). She is the recipient of the 2006 Keetje Hodshon prize in the humanities of the Royal Dutch Society of Sciences, and of a four-year Veni grant from the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).




Comment citer

Ferré, V. et Montoya, A. (2014) « Medievalism and theory : Toward a Rhizomatic Medievalism », RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 8(1), p. 1–19. doi:10.18352/relief.882.